Michael Levandovsky: Volunteer Research Assistant
BA student: Department of English Philology, Nizhny Novgorod Linguistics University.
Scientific interests: comparative linguistics, generative linguistics, ancient languages with focus on Latin, psycholinguistics
Research work: structure of Tartar; psycholinguistics and multilingual processing
Current projects: Parsing Preferences in Ln with No L1 Transfer: Relative Clause Attachment in L2 Russian and L3 English by Native Speakers of Tartar
Sensitivity to individual Grammars in L2 Russian and L3 English
Background: The participants’ L1 Tatar does not allow parsing ambiguity of the relative clause. Therefore, any parsing preference in L2 Russian or L3 English cannot results from L1 transfer-based parsing
Stage 1: Parsing preferences in Tatar
When the eventive complement of a perception verb can have the form of a clause or the form of a complex DP, native speakers of Tatar prefer a clause.