17 May, 2019

English as a Second Language

Intensive English Language course for international students a

Joffrey Academy of Dance, the Joffrey Ballet, 10 East Randolf Street, 60601

Chicago, IL, USA


The course provides intensive communication practice to help international students from all over the world adjust to Chicago life-style. Most of the time ballet students come to America having a certain amount of theoretical knowledge of English grammar. Meanwhile, their ability to communicate in real-life situations is limited. The aim of the course is to bridge this gap and give the students confidence in spoken English.

The first half of the course covers general topics and uses conversational situations that students may encounter every day. In the second half, the topics narrow down to ballet-related professional questions to give students an opportunity to talk about their dancing practice, possible ballet-related injuries, their progress in learning ballet and their future career plans.


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