24 May, 2019

Current Papers

Sokolova, M. and R. Slabakova (2021). Processing similarities between native speakers and non-balanced bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism https://doi.org/10.1177/13670069211033647. Processing similarities between native speakers and non-balanced bilinguals

Sokolova, M. and R. Slabakova (forthcoming). “A different type of RC attachment resolution: Comparing bilingual and trilingual processing”. GASLA XV Selected Proceedings Volume. A Different Type of RC Attachment Resolution, Comparing Bilingual and Trilingual Processing

 Sokolova, M. and R. Slabakova (2019). L3 Sentence Processing: language- -specific or phenomenon-sensitive.? Languages 4 (5) 1-17. L3 Sentence Processing_Language-Specific or Phenomenon-Sensitive_languages-04-00054-v2

Edeleva, J. and M. Sokolova (2020). Report on the Summer School “Linguistic Theory in Second and Foreign Language Teaching”. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444819000429Report on the Summer School_Linguistics Theory in Second and Foreign Language Teaching

Sokolova M. and E. Plisov (2019). Cross-linguistic transfer in classroom L3 learning in University Setting (Межъязыковые влияния в изучении третьего ящыка как иностранного в условиях высшего образования). Journal of Minin University (Вестник Мининского Универститета) 7 (1) 1-18 https://vestnik.mininuniver.ru/jour/article/view/927 . Cross Linguistic Transfer in Classroom L3 Learning

Sokolova, M. (2018). Sensitivity to gender marking as a potential for new feature acquisition. Теория и Практика Лингвистического Описания Разговорной Речи (Theory and Practice of Linguistic Approaches to Speech Description), https://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=64248, 183-191.Sensitivity to Gender Marking as a Potential for New Feature Acquisition

Sokolova, M. (2018) . Phenomenon-specific sentence processing in native speakers and language learners. Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition GALA 2017: Language Acquisition and Development 241-254. Phenomenon-Sensitive Sentence Processing in Native Speakers and Language Learners